Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies


Seismicity studies are aimed to predict the date of the earthquake that may occur in the future. To predict the future earthquake, it is necessary determine the earthquake recurrence periods by researching the earthquakes experienced in the past.Seismic risk surveys include; mapping active faults, defining their structural and geometric features, determining the maximum earthquake magnitude they can produce, as well as investigating their possible effects on engineering structures and residential areas. Within the scope of seismic risk determination studies, the paleoseismological trench studies are carried out and the geological and sedimentological traces left on the earth by earthquakes are examined. As a result of these research earthquake risk reports are prepared.



Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
Seismicity and Disaster Risk Assessment Studies
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